Health Tip of the Week

Good afternoon In Fine Fettle readers! Hope you are all off to an amazing Friday and that you wished all the fathers out their happiness on their special day! Even though I had to work my 12.5 hour shift Sunday, luckily I was still able to celebrate this special man with what little of the … Continue reading Health Tip of the Week

25 Day Beach Bod Challenge

NO WEIGHTS. NO GYM. NO PROBLEM. Okay guys so it's 12:30p, my alarm is set for 5:45a and I have just been inspired to write yet another blog post. So, what's the rationale here... stay awake, regret it tomorrow because YOU my lovely friend, come first. ❤ Since spring break is just around the corner for you … Continue reading 25 Day Beach Bod Challenge

Cardio is Hardio

Do you ever think back to when you were just a kid on the playground, anxiously waiting for recess so that you could run all over the place for… FUN? And now that you are older and probably should run, the only way you are doing any cardio is if someone is going to pay you for it.